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One out of five U.S. adults experiences mental illness each year. And over time, poor mental health can impact our physical health. This link between mental and physical health is why we’re committed to a whole-person approach to care that can help you reach a more positive state of well-being. Explore the tools and resources to help you improve your mental well-being and manage your mental health that are available in your member account on Once logged in, click 'Find and Get Care', then select 'Mental Well-Being'.

The pandemic has intensified my feelings of loneliness. Does Florida Blue have resources that can help me?

We’ve all had to readjust our lives since COVID-19 began. For many, we’re starting to get back to our pre-pandemic social lives. However, others may be struggling with loneliness and/or social isolation. Our Florida Blue Centers are a great way for you to be around other people — in-person and virtually. They offer wellness and fitness classes for all levels. And our community specialists at the Centers can assist in finding local support programs and resources especially for you.

Our meQuilibrium digital mental well-being program is a wonderful, personalized program to help you and your family*. meQuilibrium has skill-building exercises, videos and articles to help with loneliness.

The short article below from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides good information on loneliness and steps to take to reduce it.

What to Do About Loneliness

It’s important not to view loneliness as something you can’t change. You can change how you see loneliness. It is also important to know that loneliness is a common experience. Loneliness is neither permanent nor "bad" in itself. Instead, it should be viewed more accurately as a signal of important needs that are not being met.

You, or anyone, should take action when important needs aren't being met. Begin by identifying which needs are not being met in your specific situation. Your loneliness may result from a variety of needs. It may involve the need to develop a circle of friends or a special friend. It may involve learning to do things for yourself, without friends. Or it may involve learning to feel better or more content about yourself in general.


As a Florida Blue member, if you feel you need more immediate support, call the New Directions Behavioral Health helpline at 833-848-1762, Florida Blue members can talk to a specially trained behavioral health therapist 24/7 through New Directions for support and a referral to services matched to your needs. Call if you’re experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety, trauma and grief or in need of immediate support.


Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and provided by New Directions Behavioral Health.

*meQuilibrium is an independent company contracted by Florida Blue to provide health and wellness services and resources to members. This benefit is available to Florida Blue members age 18 and older. Eligibility is limited to members with an individual or family plan, an individual or family ACA plan and members with coverage from their fully insured group employer health plan.


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