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Why do I need a primary care doctor?

Having a relationship with a primary care doctor (PCP) can help keep your health on track. They’ll provide all your routine medical care (wellness checkups as well as sick visits). They also make referrals to specialists and other providers, help you get prior authorizations if needed, and schedule any lab work or medical tests you need.

Consider choosing a Value Choice Provider or a Total Care/Total Care Plus Provider (if available). These providers offer coordinated care and, for some services, a reduced cost for sick and wellness visits. Look for Value Choice Providers or Total Care/Total Care Plus under Programs in the online provider directory.

Be sure to give them your most up-to-date email address and phone number, so you can get messages from your doctor, lab results and directions for follow-up care.

How do I find a primary care doctor?

It’s easy to choose or change your PCP in your member account. Log in to your online account to find a provider in your plan’s network. You’ll see pictures and ratings for many doctors, and you can also set online appointments with some of them.

Consider choosing a Value Choice Provider or a Total Care/Total Care Plus Provider (if available). These providers offer coordinated care and, for some services, a reduced cost for sick and wellness visits. Look for Value Choice Providers or Total Care/Total Care Plus under Programs in the online provider directory.

Who is my doctor?

If you have an HMO plan, like myBlue, BlueCare or SimplyBlue, you selected or have been assigned a primary care doctor near you. They'll coordinate all of your care, sometimes including referrals to specialists. Log in now to see your current PCP.

If you have a PPO plan, like BlueSelect or BlueOptions, you can find a primary care doctor near you in the provider directory.  It's best to have a primary care doctor for all of your wellness and routine care. Log in now to see your current PCP.

Be sure to give them your most up-to-date email address and phone number, so you can get messages from your doctor, lab results and directions for follow-up care.

What’s the difference between an office visit and an annual wellness checkup?

An annual wellness checkup is for reviewing your overall health, identifying risks and finding out how to stay healthy. It may include an exam, immunizations, screenings and routine lab work. Your wellness visit can cost as little as $0. Be sure to check your benefits booklet for details.

An office visit is for discussing or getting treated for a specific health concern or condition. It may include an exam, lab work, X-rays or additional tests related to a health concern, condition or injury,

The difference between an office visit and a wellness checkup matters. If you ask your doctor about a specific health condition or concern that is not part of your annual wellness checkup, it may change the type of visit and change your out-of-pocket cost.

Be sure to give them your most up-to-date email address and phone number, so you can get messages from your doctor, lab results and directions for follow-up care.

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